Distance learning

Ural State University of Railway Transport

Личный кабинет студента
и преподавателя

Important Safety Information

Due to unfavorable sanitary-epidemiological situation on the incidence of COVID-19 infection, and to ensure safe learning environment and education of students, guided by the order of Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 14, 2020 No. 397 "On the organization of educational activities of organizations implementing educational programs of higher education and appropriate additional professional programs, in terms of preventing the spread of new coronavirus infection in the Russian Federation», by order of Federal Rail Transport Agency No. 99 dated March 16, 2020 "On the organization of educational activities in organizations under the jurisdiction of the Federal Rail Transport Agency that implement educational programs of higher education, secondary vocational education and related additional professional programs, in order to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus infection on the territory of the Russian Federation" and order of USURT No.136 dated March 17, 2020, all students are transferred to a distance learning mode at the place of residency registration.